End-to-end mobile app design for customers in need of maintaining wellness profiles
End-to-end mobile app design for customers in need of maintaining wellness profiles
Engage is a mobile application where customers can connect with nutrition clubs and place orders for pickup. This project focuses on the ‘Wellness Survey’ feature that allows users to answer questions for curated responses.
Currently, Wellness Surveys are administered through a separate tool. It is accessible by customers only through Distributors (or coach), which causes duplicative work outside of the app.
Club customers do not have a way to access, complete, and share wellness info with clubs using the app. This is a problem worth solving for both customers and clubs because it increases morale and engagement on the customer’s side, which lifts customer retention and long-lasting relationships on the business front.
As the lead designer, I conducted collaborative sessions with stakeholders, Product, Research, and Development teams to establish goals and align on design solutions.
While designing for this product, I also had to consider the designs for our connected products—the content management tool and integration with the POS.
+ Mobile-first: responsive designs in practice led to a more mobile-first design culture at the company
+ Stakeholder buy-in: validated designs demonstrated more predictability in reaching success metrics, recognizing research efforts
+ Informed backlog: a number of feature enhancements for the entire product ecosystem including the POS tool
+ Future metrics: more data for more informed next steps